
The Vision and Goals of The Olive Tree Center For Applied Consciousness

As our journey and destiny is to access and express greater awareness, to evolve our spiritual abilities, and then demonstrate this in the world, the vision of this Center is to enhance every facet of each person’s multidimensional experience.  It is to make better…..better and… bigger!

Different programs are being created to address the target goals of the center.  The ultimate objective of the Center is to provide programs focused on upgrading Consciousness and then applying it to every intention of the individual. Together, we will access and apply universal spiritual principles, to real-life scenarios and objectives in a structured format. And this will occur in the spirit and path of fun and enjoyment!

Using the latest in scientific information, this consciousness raising direction, will delve into new as well as old techniques, tools and practices. The latest findings and practices of parapsychology, the mind body connection, quantum physics and energy information, will also be incorporated.

So, whether you are seeking to upgrade your life or find a new path, a program has you in mind to assist you in your personal enhancement/growth.

Check back often…as you are invited to join in wherever and whenever… in the growing vision for you!

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