The Olive Tree Center for Applied Consciousness and Metaphysical Research


My last name means Olive Tree…there are no accidents.

Welcome to your new community of fellow spiritual explorers. If you have made it to this website, you are in the right place for the next steps in your journey. You will not be traveling this adventure alone. Others will join you as you notice that their stories are much like yours. And we need your stories too.

As our mutual destiny is to expand our spiritual awareness through application and experimentation, this Center was created to provide road maps, guides and GPS’ for personal growth, self-expansion and expression.  It is dedicated to the idea that Life is fun, supportive, magical and surprisingly “wowing.” And all the while, Life continuously guides us into the opportunities to become increasingly more masterful in areas of our choice.  Some of you are here because “out of the blue”, some new skill, activity, area of interest or desired “upgrade” made its way to you.  All of you are here because you have already been successful in many areas of your life.  You are now ready to do, have and express even more.  

This is a New Thought based endeavor.  If you resonate with Louise Hay, Unity, Religious Science or The Centers for Positive Living, you know the basics.  Together, we will apply universal metaphysical principles and evolving mind technology in ways to achieve higher levels of performance and evidence based results.  Different offerings will continue to be included as the desires arise.  The bottom line is that we are going to have a good time while taking ourselves “Lightly.” I expect laughter and joy in seeing how far we can go in one lifetime. If not now, when?  This is a prophet-(profit) making endeavor.

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